Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'll have the Nutella creep, please.

The common creep.

Back in my glory days which, believe it or not, was high school (no wedgies for this guy!)... I served my fair share of brioches and boeuf bourguignon at a quaint little french restaurant in Westchester County, NY.

It had a pretty uniform clientele of BMW-driving Larchmont moms and the local French "bonnes familles." But on this particularly rambunctious Sunday brunch, a "multi-cultural" 8 top rolled in. I quickly assessed the situation and discovered that two newlyweds decided to bring the opposing poles that were their families together through the miracle of good cuisine. On the one side of the table sat the grooms' family with their pearls and loafers and "I want two lemons in my water!", and on the other, a delightful group of more humble folk smiled and showed off their tanned legs with cutoff jeans.

Other than their obvious differences and perhaps meager conversation, the party wasn't more friendly or unfriendly than the next. There was, though, a particular comment made by the father of the bride that made me cringe.

When it came time to place orders, our mullet-bearing friend spoke up: "Yes, I'll have the Nutella CREEP, please."

Now I'm not one to judge... but this guy was sticking out like a sore thumb to begin with, so his little slip of the tongue didn't quite help his case.

But in the end, he was by far the most pleasant bruncher at the table. So let's do it, restaurant prostitutes, let's love the mullet.


  1. This post really made me laugh. Do mullets still exist anyway? As fot Nutella "creeps", I am drooling just reading about them.

  2. Unfortunately, mullets still exist in too many places. In fact many contemporary mullets are developed and nurtured at a very young age. This infancy period is known as the “rat tail” stage.

  3. Oh, yes... the rat tail. Classic hairdo. Especially when the "piece" in question is delicately braided to perfection.
